NLRB v. Walt Disney Productions
Testimony: Day 3 of 7
October 12, 1942
Witnesses for the Prosecution: Art Babbitt, Dave Hilberman, Phyllis Lambertson,
Franz Baur, Jean Ritchie, Herb Lamb, William Pomerance, Chuck Jones
The Board displays Babbitt's contracts and invite a slew of witnesses that either testify to Babbitt's superior skill, or to the company's questionable actions.
Pages (as notated in the top corners)
315 – ART BABBITT presents his Contract clauses
342 – The November layoff
347 – Babbitt's civil court case
350 – Salary adjustment
352 – DAVE HILBERMAN testifies in praise of Babbitt
361 – PHYLLIS LAMBERTSON testifies about Walt's speech on February 11, 1941
370 – NLRB amends charge, but judge is not concerned.
375 – FRANZ BAUR's testimony as a traffic boy when Lessing had confront him for information.
384 – JEAN RITCHIE describes the final Federation meeting (*a real firebrand!)
403 – HERB LAMB testifies writing Babbitt a letter of recommendation to the Marines
417 – BILL POMERANCE testifies trying to resolve the November layoffs with O'Rourke
423 – CHUCK JONES testifies in praise of Babbitt
435 – PHYLLIS LAMBERTSON describes Walt refusing to negotiate with Babbitt present.