Who's Who
in the
Disney Strike
The images below are color-coded as to who, at the start of the strike, is aligned with the strikers (the Screen Cartoonists Guild) versus the loyalists (the Federation of Screen Cartoonists and their successors)

Baur, Franz – A traffic boy at the Disney company, and Guild meeting attendee
Baldwin, Howard – Striking Disney animator, member of strike's Negotiation Committee
Bodle, George E. – Attorney for the Guild (partner with Yager)
Clark, Joe – VP of Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, & Paperhangers of America
Janofsky, Leonard– Screen Writers Guild's lawyer, the Federation's first lawyer until he presumed the Federation to be company-led
Lamb, Herb – Production Control Manager at the Disney company
Lambertson, Phyllis – Guild negotiating committee & vice chairman of the Guild's Disney unit
McClellan, Murray – Striking Disney animation Asst, member of strike's negotiating committee
Peterson, Ken – Striking Disney animator, member of strike's Negotiation Committee
Pomerance, (S) William K. – Representative and Business agent of the Guild following the Disney strike
Ravin, Rita – Secretary for the Guild, member of the strike's negotiating committee
Ritchie, Jean – Ex-secretary of Federation, striking Disney inbetweener.
Schrader, Lyle – International representative of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America
Walsh, Walsh – Los Angeles regional director for National Labor Relations Board
Yager, George A. – Field examiner for the NLRB (partner with Bodle)
Baumister, Jim – Artist at the Disney company, member of Federation negotiating committee
Caldwell, Verne – Supervisor of public relations in charge of publicity at Disney company
Christensen, Grace – Head of Ink & Paint at Disney
Garrity, Bill – Production engineer, personnel capacity at Disney company; production control manager in 1937
Hand, Dave – Disney studio supervisor since 1936
Kinney, Jack – Director for Disney: Pinocchio, Goofy shorts since 1940
Lundy, Dick – Animator ('32-37, '38-'39) and director('37, '40 on) at Disney company
Jackson, Wilfred – Director at Disney company since 1930
Morris, George E. – Secretary-Treasurer of Disney company
Nater, Carl – Partner with Adelquist, negotiating committee at Disney company
O'Rourke, Anthony G. – Director of labor Relations at Disney company since February, 1941
Painter, Howard – Legal Counsel for Federation of Screen Cartoonists, ca. February, 1941
Pierce, Perce – Director, Disney company
Pressley, Hugh – Personnel manager ca. 1941 at Disney company
Sharpsteen, Ben – Production supervisor at Disney company
Smith, Dorothy "Dot" – Head of Ink & Paint at Disney company
Spreckels, Walter P. – Labor consultant for Disney, April 1941.; immediately prior was Los Angeles regional director for NLRB
Ward, Leo – Attorney for the Federation as voted in 1940